The “Lodge-Museum”

being proposed is

intended to be a new model for a prototype

„Chichén Itzá 2008 at Yucatán“

Welcome to the Internet presentation
of Christian Krug


for accommodation not yet seen anywhere in the world, one which will prioritise enjoyment of the surrounding landscape and the environment rather than the comfort provided. Within this concept, the “Lodge-Museum” is a place to enjoy the context rather than one in which the infrastructure is enjoyed.

In this way the environment is freed of the polluting waste produced by the heavy turnaround of guests, who will value much more the temporary living experience of the event itself (the observation of the city of Chichen Itzá) than the efficiency and complexity of the installations normally associated with permanent lodging facilities.

The objective of this lodge is to enable tourists –with minimum baggage– to enjoy a hygienic, safe and economical place where they can spend the night and wake up facing the city of Chichen Itzá whilst at the same time, within the installations of the museum itself, they will be able to appreciate the history of Mayan culture.

To this end, the “Lodge-Museum” will include a basic program occupying an area no greater than 1.500m2. more….

 Life above the river.

Is preparing

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